lettering vs calligraphy
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Lettering: the art of drawing letters.
Caligraphy: the art of writing letters.

While the line that divides these different types of work is not very clear, they are two different types of art. So, seeking to benefit from this difference, the lettering artist Martina Flor (she draws) and the calligrapher Giuseppe Salerno (he writes) created this project. They met at the Typo Stammtisch in Berlin started setting each other technical tasks that would try their respective skills. The competition soon became the Lettering vs Calligraphy project. In front of a live audience and in response to a letter, word or sentence set by a third party, they simultaneously use their skills and improvisation to carry out the set task. Upon finishing, the audience members vote for one or the other. Though the activity has been set up in a competitive format, both artists have hit upon an entertaining and interesting activity that allows the spectator to enjoy both the differences and the connecting bridges between these different work methods.