"we interrupt this marriage... "
G-u-k. The three of us. It always takes more than two to break something up. Juggling with pluralism. Up and up with the black tights, like the souls of the dead at “ground zero”. Where to if not? Up the legs to the thighs, past your sex, over your br
G-u-k. The three of us. It always takes more than two to break something up. Juggling with pluralism. Up and up with the black tights, like the souls of the dead at “ground zero”. Where to if not? Up the legs to the thighs, past your sex, over your breasts to slip along your long arms into your mouth.

The tights were long ago left on the ground floor and there’s just the blackness left in the lift now. Just the blackness and the hypothetical conversation about the weather.

Ringg! The last floor. Nothing but darkness here. Or should I say blackness? The word “We/us” is also black after all. Specially when there are three of us.

Models: Emma Fawcett, John Blood & Alberto Etxebarria.
Atrezzo: Alberto Etxebarria
Shots: Amaia Sagasti